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Discounts For Scouts

     Scouts use a lot of gear. From tents to uniforms, most of it can be fairly expensive, and we want to help with that. As a scout myself, I have seen the great value in the program, and that is why I want to help make it accessible to everyone. At our store, Scouts can get 10% off their entire order.

     Additionally, if you are an Eagle Scout, Scoutmaster, or ASM, you can get another 5% off as a thanks for all the hard work you put into Scouting (15% total).

     To get your discount code, simply contact us using the form below:

BSA logo with the text "Prepared. For Life." below it

Contact Information

Unit Type
Are you an Eagle Scout, SM, or ASM?

If your Unit has a boys and girls section, add either a B or G to the end of your Unit Number

Thanks for submitting!

Illustration of scouts biking, canoeing, hiking, and ziplining
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